Messages That Can’t Be Ignored

When rolling out a new highway class concrete paver, Power Pavers, Inc. didn’t need to tell everyone in the concrete paving industry…just those handful of companies across the country that do the biggest jobs. And that highly defined audience allowed for a unique, three-dimensional direct mail campaign that simply couldn’t be ignored.

Power Pavers



We created concepts for a series of four direct mailers – three teaser mailings and one for the final reveal. Each of the teasers focused on one key feature delivered by the new product. The first utilized a branded stopwatch to identify how quickly the new paver could be adjusted for different paving widths. The second was a simple poster identifying the smooth finish that could be achieved. A third teaser concept was planned to exemplify the high level of visibility from the machine’s control center, but this mailer was deemed unnecessary given the great response the company was already receiving from the first two mailers.

The final mailer was a card that opened to an establishing photo of the new machine as well as an automatic self-playing video of it in action, along with narration from the company’s president about its significance and abilities. Up to this point, recipients only knew the paver’s model number and a hint about its benefits. This final piece revealed the entire story in a dynamic and unforgettable way.