Outside of the namesakes, Jon is the longest-term employee. Starting as a public relations writer, he soon became the PR director, and then added creative director to his responsibilities. He even took care of the rodent problem for awhile...until he showed a soft spot for one lucky mouse caught in a live trap. It's the only job from which he's been fired.
Jon fashions himself the company joker. Whether it's the lowered-chair trick, the pinhole in the water cup, or loading questionable websites on coworkers' computers when out of their offices, he never fails to get a laugh at another's expense...even if it's the 1,000th time he's pulled off the same gag.
A graduate of Minnesota State University-Moorhead, Jon holds a degree in advertising. He is married to Jennifer and has a daughter, Cecelia, and a son, Milo.
Started in 1996
a message.
Hosted a short-lived AM radio program during the Crookston sugar beet harvest called "Beet Beat."
Has been the commissioner of a fantasy football league that's still going strong after more than 20 years.
Was once stuck at the office for 20 hours during the infamous 1997 blizzard.